On 13th December 2017, ARV User Association (AUA) celebrated Dissemination meeting on AUA 15 year documentation at Tonle Basak II Restaurant, The meeting have objective: To share experiences, lessons learned, challenges of AUA’s 15 years works documentation to relevant government ministries, NGOs partners and other stakeholders To share experience of PLHIV in living opportunities in […]
Welcome to AUA
AUA is a membership-based association of Cambodian people who live with HIV/AIDS. Our staff work in nine sites across Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham to deliver projects that support holistic health and well-being.
Our mission is to foster a more active community of people living with HIV/AIDS who are better able to effectively adhere to their treatment, advocate for quality healthcare and respond to the challenges in their lives.
Our Impact

AUA served more than 7000 PLHIV this semester. Download the Brief Report to read more about our project highlights and view our impact numbers for the first half of 2016.
Where We Work
Updates from the Field
AUA’s 2017 Annual Exchange Visit and Meeting
On 27-30 November 2017, AUA organized the 2017 annual exchange visit and membership meeting at Kompot province in order to: Learn more on treatment service of communicable diseases and HIV medication at ART clinic Share experiences and exchange information of treatment service procurement, ART medication consumption, health care and the experiences of family’s profit making […]
Partners & Supporters